1. Create new JDBC Provider
1.1 Resources->JDBC->JDBC providers->new
1.2 Database type: User-defined; Implementation class name: com.cac.jdbc.ConnectionPoolDataSource; Name: IBM InfoSphere Classic JDBC
1.3 Class path: ${User-defined_JDBC_DRIVER_PATH}/DataFederationServer/cacjdbc21.jar
1.4 Review summary->Finish->save
2. Create Java 2 Connector authentication data entry
2.1 Security->Global security; Under Authentication cache settings, click Java Authentication And Authorization Service->J2C authnetication data; new
2.2 Alias:
3. Create new Data Source
3.1 Resources->JDBC->Data sources; new
3.2 Data source name: DFS_XXXX; JNDI name: jdbc/DFS_ADABAS
3.3 Select the JDBC provider created in step 1.
3.4 Data store helper class name: com.ibm.websphere.rsadapter.GenericDataStoreHelper; Uncheck used for CMP check box.
3.5 Component-managed authentication alias: the one you created in step 2.
3.6 Review summary->Finish->save
3.7.1 URL: your Data Federation Server JDBC URL;
You almost done, just restart your web sphere server and start to use the JDBC Data source.
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