Thursday, October 05, 2006

Oracle 10g Recyclebin

To disable the recycle bin:

ALTER SYSTEM SET recyclebin = OFF;

To enable the recycle bin:

ALTER SESSION SET recyclebin = ON;
ALTER SYSTEM SET recyclebin = ON;

To check what objects are in the recycle bin:

select * from user_recyclebin;
select * from dba_recyclebin;

To purge the objects in the recycle bin:

purge recyclebin;
purge dba_recyclebin;

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

How to default java to -server

You can change <InstallationDir>/jre/lib/jvm.cfg (the default installation on Solaris would be /usr/j2se) to have -server as the first uncommented line in the file. This will cause -server to be used as the default.

Frequently Asked Questions About the Java HotSpot VM

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